Diabetomics is partnering with EU consortium project EDENT1FI to introduce innovative rapid point-of-care tests for Type 1 diabetes screening.
Diabetomicshttps://www.edent1fi.eu/our-partners EDENT1FI
Five landmark clinical studies were published on glycosylated fibronectin as a new biomarker and rapid point-of-care test for risk assessment of preeclampsia
DiabetomicsSokratous, N., Wright, A., Syngelaki, A., Kakouri, E., Laich, A. and Nicolaides, K.H. (2023), Screening…
Diabetomics to present landmark clinical studies for 1st trimester screening and aid-in-diagnosis of preeclampsia at the 20th World congress in fetal medicine, June 25-29th Valencia, Spain.
DiabetomicsSerum glycosylated fibronectin in 1st trimester prediction of preterm preeclampsia Daljit Sahota (Hong Kong) Serum…
Publication of rapid point-of-care test for detection of rheumatoid arthritis
DiabetomicsDiabetomics has developed the first rapid point-of-care test for the autoimmune biomarker anti-citrullinated albumin (ACA)….

Regulatory approvals for Diabetomics’ rapid point-of-care tests for detection of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), islet antigen 2 (IA-2), and insulin autoantibodies
DiabetomicsDiabetomics obtains CE-IVD Mark on glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), islet antigen 2 (IA-2) and insulin…
FDA issues Emergency Use Authorization for the oral fluid rapid test for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, the CovAbTM SARS-CoV-2 Ab Test
DiabetomicsOn June 4, 2021 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization…
Publication of Rapid Point-of-Care Test for Determination of C-Peptide Levels
DiabetomicsDiabetomics developed the first rapid point-of-care test for C-peptide estimation. The Insudex® C-peptide POC test has…

Regulatory approvals
DiabetomicsInsudex GAD65 point-of care test for rapid assessment of GAD65 autoantibodies is CE marked.
A Landmark Lumella Preeclampsia point-of-care test study published in British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
DiabetomicsA large, independent and prospective study in a low-resource setting demonstrated Lumella Preeclampsia rapid point-of-care…
Publication of Lumella Preeclampsia test for short-term prediction of preeclampsia.
DiabetomicsThe study shows Lumella PE test has the best performance for short-term prediction of preeclampsia…
Diabetomics launches Lumella point-of-care test in India

Regulatory approvals
DiabetomicsLumella point-of care test for rapid assessment of Preeclampsia product is CE marked

Diabetomics inauguration of its manufacturing facility in India
World’s first non-invasive test for diabetes coming up in Medak, Hyderabad
Hillsboro company unveils new test to detect common prenatal problem in early stages
DiabetomicsPortland Business Journal
Early Preeclampsia Detection Test Under Development
DiabetomicsMedical Professionals Reference
Diabetomics Unveils New Test for the Early Detection, Assessment, and Monitoring of Preeclampsia
DiabetomicsPress Release
Maternal serum glycosylated fibronectin as a point-of-care biomarker for assessment of preeclampsia
DiabetomicsAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Diabetomics paper on first trimester detection of gestational diabetes published in ACOG journal
DiabetomicsObstetrics & Gynecology
Diabetomics receives patent on non-invasive salivary diagnostics for prediabetes and diabetes
DiabetomicsUS Patent
Gestational diabetes early detection press
DiabetomicsClinical Advisor: Biomarker may ID gestational diabetes risk
Diabetomics conducts a national symposium on Autoimmune Diabetes Diagnosis and Interventions
DiabetomicsAutoimmune Diabetes Symposium
First-trimester Maternal Serum Biomarkers for Prediction of Gestational Diabetes
DiabetomicsADA Scientific Sessions
Non-invasive Salivary Protein Glycosylation as a Short Term Glycemic Index
DiabetomicsADA Scientific Sessions